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Technique at radiography
Radiography - sacroiliitis
Radiography - spinal changes
Technique at conventional radiography

A radiograph is an image of the body part examined produced by transmission of X-rays through the region to a digital imaging medium. The X-rays reaching the medium generate digital data, which are transferred to an imaging processor (computer) for final image elaboration. Digital images can be evaluated on a workstation/computer and can by the use of PACS (Picture Archival and Communication System) be archived and distributed digitally. The images can thereby be available in several places simultaneously.


Images showing the technique of SIJ radiography. The image formation is based on the passage of X-rays through the body to a digital medium which generate data for a subsequent image acquisition.


The image formation is based on the X-rays not absorbed in the body and therefore reaching the imaging medium.  The absorption of X-rays through the body depends on the tissues they pass (tissue density and thickness) and the X-ray quality. Bone surfaces having a high X-ray absorption appear bright, and air, which does not absorb radiation, is black. Fatty tissue has lower density (is darker) than other soft tissues. Fat occurs in the bone marrow between bone trabeculae and contributes to the clear delineation of internal bone structure.

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